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Connecting to The Source San Diego


"Connecting to the Source" session on January 29, 2016


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Andres Restaurant

1235 Morena Blvd, San Diego, California 92110

Session One: 6:00-7:30 pm---Exchange $50
Session Two: 7:30-9:00 pm---Exchange $50

Mohammad has just come back from being in nature for the last 3 weeks in Costa Rica. He connected to the new energies of 2016, which has evolved him to higher consciousness. Furthermore, he is being guided to do session's this year to anchor this energy to all the people that are ready to receive it. You will be guided by your soul as you are ready to evolve.

A session is a form of communion that provides people with nurturing life force energy. You connect directly to The Source, and this connection allows you to experience the presence and energy of the truth. You are provided a very unique experience - an awakening, a healing, an attunement, or an initiation - specifically tailored to you. This is dictated by who you are and where you are in your spiritual journey.

The energy that anchors through Mohammad is the energy that has been used by many ascended masters throughout centuries. This energy is not only of a heavenly nature - it is also physical. The divine energy experienced in the session is present in the elements of water, air, fire, earth, and space. It is a very grounded and rooted expression that you may experience strongly on a physical level, as well as higher spiritual awakening.

Through Mohammad, many people have awakened to their gifts; and as we evolve collectively to a higher consciousness, many more will awaken.

What happens in a session is indescribable and not understandable. You are called upon by your soul to connect and experience an awakening.
It's a true gift to your soul.

This is a video of Mohammad working in Brazil showing you what happens in a session.

Any questions you can contact or the host.

Host: Arlette Ramos

This is the work of source happening through Mohammad. Please do share this as he is here in service to humanity.
Thank you
